Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Diwali everybody!!!

Sorry guys for the long absence from the blogosphere. I entered my engineering course on 5th Sept and since then I have been busy socializing ;-) . I attended a few events and a competitions, and I was able to win only one of them, which was a Tech Quiz. I had internals too and so I was busy pretending to study. So, I had to keep my blogging instinct at bay :-( . Anyhow, I am pleased to be back now.

Diwali or Deepavali is a great festival that is celebrated in a very pompous manner all over India. The festival, when celebrated safely, is one that lifts the mood up and creates a good feeling. This is well known as the festival of lights. Different lamps with varying sizes, creative shapes and beautiful colours decorate the whole house. This signifies the end of darkness, of ignorance and the growth of knowledge and enlightenment. Various delicacies are prepared and shared. Special sweets are prepared on this occasion.

But on the other hand, we see lots of reports in the media about children and adults alike getting burns and becoming blind from bursting firecrackers. The festival of lights becomes the curse of darkness for these people. So, please avoid crackers and use that money for charity, which will at least brighten the future of some people. It also results in less pollution and less litter. Lets make this Diwali
a green, clean and a happy Diwali.

Let me know how you all are celebrating Diwali this year.

Wish you all a very happy, safe and prosperous Deepavali!!!